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How to Choose a Good Injection Molding Partner?? 4 Questions to Ask:

2019-12-04 21:07:27

Injection molding is one of the most common and preferred molding processes that is used to create a wide range of complex parts of different shapes and sizes. However, when you are ready to start your injection molding process, one of the most difficult decisions that you’ll have to make is to decide which molding manufacturing partner you’ll choose.

So, to help you to take a firm decision, let’s review a few major questions that’ll definitely assist you in finding a reliable Injection molding company in China that will support your company’s commitment to high-quality products.

1. Is the company educated and skilled on your company’s requirements?

The very first question you must ask the potential injection molding company is whether it is educated enough to work on your specific demands. Are they fully updated on the new processing manuals supplied by the manufacturer? Make sure the company you choose is aware of all the mechanical properties that were defined in the manual given by the material manufacturer.

2. Is the company offering any warranty on the tools?

Keep in mind that not all injection molding companies offer warranties unless you specially request for one. However, even if the company you intend to hire offers a warranty, remember to check the ins and outs and find out what exactly the warranty covers before signing on the final agreement.

3. Does the company offer customized molds for size parts that you exactly need?

Not every injection molding company in China is equipped to mold exceptionally small or large parts. But, if the company agrees to create an unusual size mold then make sure to ask for examples of similar parts that they have built in the past. Don’t rely on their words; ask them to show you a good proof.

4.  Is the molding house clean and well-equipped?

Another very important thing to do is to check the molding house and ensure it is properly clean to access the molding process. Are the scrap grinders prepared and properly cleaned to prevent any type of contamination? Are the workers equipped with the right tools and equipment used for molding? The best way to know about these is to take a small tour of the molding company and find out the working conditions.

So, when finding the right injection molding company, think about these questions and then only jump to any conclusion. Always keep in mind that trust, quality of work, and education are the most vital aspects of a long-lasting business relationship, and the answers to these questions will definitely help you decide whether you ought to choose that particular molding company or not.

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